Compliance Hotline


The Company is committed to providing a work environment free of unlawful and unethical behavior, including but not limited to:

fraudulent transactions discrimination theft of company property
improper accounting harassment bribes and kickbacks
Improper record keeping retaliation conflicts of interest
Company policy violations violations of law code of conduct violations

The Company furnishes a Compliance Hotline to provide a dedicated line for confidential reporting by employees, vendors, customers, or other third parties of actual or suspected violations of the above or other problems important for the Company to know about, regardless of whether the conduct is by an employee of the Company, including supervisors and managers, interns, volunteers, independent contractors, vendors, suppliers, customers, and/or any other third party.

If you are not sure if something is a problem, it is helpful to talk about it.  The information will be investigated by the Internal Audit Department, who will ensure the investigation is handled impartially, timely, and kept confidential where possible.

Reporting to this hotline is available on a 24/7, 365-day basis.  Reporting should be done without fear of reprisal, and a request can be made that it remain anonymous.